我女儿4岁11个月。她刚满4岁就上幼儿园中班,在班里年龄偏小(多数孩子比她大半岁)。她很喜欢和小朋友玩。但好像和大家玩不到一块儿去。我经常看到她跟在小朋友后面,追也追不上,玩一会儿就剩她自己了。她还常常把东西分给小朋友。我感觉她好像是拿自己的东西去哄小朋友,维持自信。我很困惑,一方面怕有小朋友欺负她,抢她的东西;另一方面,许多小朋友都往幼儿园带东西,如果我不让她带,怕她在小朋友间失去认同感。我该怎么办? 山东金乡小陈
My daughter is 4 years old and 11 months old. At 4, she attended middle school in kindergarten, where she was younger (most children were six months older than most). She likes to play with children. But it seems like everyone can not play together. I often see her with the children behind chase can not catch up, play for a while left her. She also often give things to children. I think she seems to take their own things to coax children, to maintain self-confidence. I am very confused, on the one hand afraid of bullying her children, grab her things; the other hand, many children are going to kindergarten things, if I do not let her, afraid she lost identity among children. What should I do?