AT & T makes extensive use of hybrid integrated circuits in switching and signaling products to improve integration and reliability, and to simplify the assembly and testing of large systems. AT & T’s new system products will use hybrid ICs with much more I / O connectors than the current design, which are mostly surface-mount packages. We are developing JEDEC-compliant plastic encapsulation products for these new hybrid IC applications. We provide a hybrid IC in the package shape and performance are the same with the discrete IC, I hope our users can get greater benefits. System design is streamlined because of the standard CAD libraries available to determine part placement, routing, solder point size and package electrical characteristics. Manufacturability is enhanced by electrical testing, component placement, reflow soldering, cleaning and inspection using industry standard equipment. In short, the reliability of the entire system has been improved because of the use of standard components, equipment and process optimization in the manufacture of circuit boards. AT & T also studied the mechanical reliability of quad-type packages with 68 and 124 leads, 1.27mm pitch and 132-lead, 635um pitch. The results show that these three packages are able to withstand hundreds of cycles of temperature cycling from -40 ° C to + 130 ° C with no reduction in mechanical properties. Further work is currently underway to fully evaluate these packages for thick film metallization, thick film, resistors, CBIC and CMOS wire-bond ICs, chip capacitors and resistors, thick film threading, and multi-layer polymer media.