[教学目的] 1.初步理解合力的概念。 2.初步掌握同一直线上二力的合成。 3.通过并进式实验,在培养学生技能的同时,渗透用实验探讨物理问题的方法。 [教学过程]一、引入新课师:前几节课已经学习了和力有关的一些问题,现在我们来分析两例物体的受力情况。第一例:老师站在讲台上,老师受到了哪些力的作用?各力的方向指向哪儿?
[Teaching purposes] 1. Understand the concept of synergy. 2. Initially master the synthesis of the two forces on the same line. 3. Through the parallel experiment, while cultivating students’ skills, infiltrate the method of exploring physical problems with experiments. [Teaching process] First, the introduction of new teachers: the first few classes have learned some of the problems related to force, and now we have to analyze the situation of the two cases of the force. The first example: What kind of force does the teacher receive while the teacher stands on the podium? Where does each force point?