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一、教学内容人教版五年级下册第25课(第七单元)。二、设计理念尊重学生主体,充分发挥学生对学、群学功能,真正体现“先学后教”“以学定教”教学理念;学习流程关注基础知识,关注文本主题(即文本价值),关注语言形式及语言运用;学习活动紧紧围绕“学习目标”展开,并分课时当堂检测、验收,确保学习目标高度达成。三、学习目标1.会读“山阴道上,姹紫嫣红,应接不暇,花团锦簇”四字词语,体会“山阴道上”的意思。 First, the teaching content PEP fifth grade Volume 25 (seventh unit). Second, the design concept Respect the main body of students, give full play to students learning, group learning function, truly embodies “learning first” “learning to teach ” teaching philosophy; learning process attention to basic knowledge, focus on the theme of the text Textual value), focus on the language form and language use; learning activities focus on “learning objectives ” start, and when the class test, acceptance, to ensure that the learning objectives reached a high degree. Third, the learning objectives 1 will read “mountain vagina, colorful, overwhelmed, flowers” words, understand “mountain vagina ” means.
采用 X 射线衍射研究了在接近工业条件下制备的无锡钢上薄镀铬层(0.03 μm或每面 0.22 g/m2)的晶体织构特征。实验发现,铬镀层的晶体结构含以下组分:以垂直于镀层表面的[111]
Residual stress reduction in low alloy steel by a low frequency alternating magnetic treatment and its mechanism were investigated. Experimental results reveale
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The next generation,superconducting ECR ion source VENUS(Versatile ECR ion source for NUclear Science) has operated with 28GHz since 2004,and has produced world