Biocompatibility evaluation in vitro. Part III: Cytotoxicity expression of human and animal osteobla

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology(English Ed | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kentxp
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Exclusion and inflammation in the clinic are observe d for various reas ons including material che- mical composition, physical properties as well a s macr o- and micro-structure of the implants, surface condition of the implants, and also patient dependent factors. Cytotoxicity expression of cells is a central issue i n current biocompatibility to screen the potential implant materials and drugs. This study was aimed at investigation reaction between the potential implant mat erials and surround tissue. Cytotoxicity of human and rat osteoblast in the mate rial extracts was determinated by testing standards such as GHS assay, MTT assay , alkaline phosphatase activity assay, LDH assay, and Lowry assay. Research resu lts demonstrated that compared with the control condition polystyrene culture pl a te both human and rat osteoblast cells have normal phenotypic expression in hydr oxyapatite extract, and this expression was statistically restricted in hydroxya patite-spinel extract. How- ever, this restrict, e.g. cytotoxicity could be partially eliminated by immersion treatment of the materials in culture medium. Exclusion and inflammation in the clinic are observe d for various reas ons including material che- mical composition, physical properties as well as macr o- and micro-structure of the implants, surface condition of the implants, and also patient dependent factors. Cytotoxicity expression of cells is a central issue in current biocompatibility to screen the potential implant materials and drugs. This study was aimed at investigating reaction between the potential implant mat erials and surround tissue. Cytotoxicity of human and rat osteoblast in the mate rial extracts was determinated by testing standards such as GHS assay, MTT assay, alkaline phosphatase activity assay, LDH assay, and Lowry assay. Research resu lts demonstrated that compared with the control condition polystyrene culture pl a te human and rat osteoblast cells have normal phenotypic expression in hydr oxyapatite extract , and this expression was statistically restricted in hydroxya patite-spinel extract. H ow- ever, this restrict, e.g., cytotoxicity could be partially eliminated by immersion treatment of the materials in culture medium.
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时下,“渠道为王”的呼声或舆论越来越高,越来越多的企业在这种至少从整体战略角度考虑是错误的意识或理念的误导之下,毅然决然地把自己的精力与才智的大部分放到了渠道上,而忽视了自己的产品或服务这个其实才是最根本的东西。  在如今的市场经济环境之下,我们丝毫不否认一个事实,那就是,产品(包括有形的实物和无形的服务)很好,却并不能保证其市场就一定做得好。但是,差的产品就一定做不好吗?虽然理论上是这样,但很不