Translation Strategies in Translating Chinese Dishes

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  Five strategies we always use for translating Chinese dishes which are based on Nada’s Functional Equivalence are as follows: literal translation, liberal translation,Transliteration, combined translation and creative translation. Among the five, literal
  Translation and liberal translation are the most important.
  A. Literal Translation
  Literal translation, also called word-for-word translation by Cicero. This category of dishes’ names are mainly to express the ingredients, the skill of cutting up vegetables and meat and cooking methods, as well as the smell of the dishes. As in Chinese and English, there basically exist correspondent words, the translator can use the literal translation which can make the version much more appropriate to the original one .
  Take “番茄炒蛋” as an example. Here we can clearly see the ingredients and cooking methods, the “番茄”(tomato) and “蛋”(eggs) are the ingredients. “炒”(stir-fry;scramble)tells us the culinary method. So in English we can say “番茄炒蛋” as “scrambled eggs with tomato”. Other examples are:
  拌豆腐丝: Shredded tofu with sauce
  白切鸡: Boiled chicken with sauce
  B. Liberal translation
  Literal translation also refers to free translation. The category always tend to utilize the features of colour, smell, flavour and appearance of ingredients, and the features of the cooking methods. To cater to the customers’ psychology, we enrich the dishes with some beautiful and auspicious names. This sort of names do not reflect not only the ingredients but also the cooking methods. In the situation, the translator should consider liberal translation to spread the expectancy functions of food’s relative information to the foreigners. Examples are as follows:
  “螞蚁上树”: Bean vermicelli with spicy meat sauce
  “一卵孵两凤”: Steamed chicken with water melon
  C. Transliteration
  With the advancement of the human society, the cultural development also tends to be global. Cultural communication among countries has become much more frequent. Now that some western words such as 三明治’’(sandwich) and “沙拉”(salad) are widely accepted by Chinese people, I believe Chinese jiaozi(饺子), tofu(豆腐), laomian(捞面) and chaofan(炒饭) also should be acknowledged by the foreigners. As China is a country with large amount of culture and history, there are lots of words can not be translated literally or liberally. The only way to solve the problem is to apply the transliteration to the translation strategy.   D. Combined translation
  Although the above three translation strategies are the main ones, there still some other words they can not assort to, particularly the romantic names. So there are some combined translation which will add accuracy, integrity and beauty to the comprehensive feeling.
  1.Transliteration+liberal translation
  This strategy should be regarded as a condiment to transliteration for transliteration can only used in the dishes prevailing enough. However, the strategy can be applied to the dishes enjoying little popularity. With combination of the two techniques, foreigners could be easier to be familiar with the ingredients, cooking methods of preparation and it’s helpful to promote cultural implication. For example, we can translate”無锡排骨’’ into “Wuxi ribs’’ (Fried spare ribs) and “担担面’’ into “Dandan noodles” (Sichuan noodles with peppery souce). The strategy help to spread the culture of Chinese language, make it well-known and international and enhance China’s status in the world.
  2.Literal +liberal translation
  The technique is available in translating the dishes’ names with figurative devices or auspicious wishes. With the method, the literal idea of the dish can be expressed by literal translation, while the raw materials, culinary methods can be discovered with the liberal translation to avoid the misunderstanding .For example, we usually translate “全家福’’ into “Happy family’’ (A combination of shrimps, lobster, beef, chicken and mixed vegetables with brown sauce). Via the strategy, it not only makes the foreign gourmets acquainted with the dishes themselves, but also conveys a feeling of being auspicious and good use of metaphor. Another example is “蚂蚁上树’’ whose translation based on the technique would be “Ants climbing the tree’’(Bean vermicelli with spicy meat sauce).
  E. Creative Translation
  Though it has a comprehensive introduction of translation strategies above, it maybe couldn’t cover every dish. For example, what could the translation of “口水鸡’’ be? Literally, it could be translated “Saliva chicken”. But if we really use this version, maybe nobody will dare to taste it. Because it sounds a little disgusting and make people lose appetite. If translated liberally, it would be “steamed chicken with chili sauce’’. Then it has no obvious characteristics that can not attract people’s interests. It sounds just like the other chicken. In this situation, we should try some creative versions that can brighten the dish. One successful version I persist is “Chicken-That-Makes-You-Slobber’’, though it has no implication of the materials or culinary methods. But maybe just because of this, it add some feeling of mystery and arouse people to look into the dish. It shows a kind of confidence: go and taste it, and it will never let you down.
  Another example is “狗不理包子’’. Two versions appropriate are “Dog-Won’t-Leave’’ and “Go-Believe’’. Some people may translate it into “Goubuli Buns’’ by transliteration which conveys no meaning to foreigners who are no familiar with the delicacy.
  [1] Eugene A. Nada. Toward a science of Translating. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004
  [2] Lawrence Venuti. The Translator’s Invisibility. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2005
  [3] Wang Bingqin. The Theory and Practice of Cultural Translation. Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 2007
【摘要】:传统工艺在我国发展历史悠久,但随着现代社会的发展,中国的传统工艺逐渐衰微。大漆工艺与景泰蓝工艺同属中国传统工艺,目前国内对于传统工艺的传承与研究,大多停留在各个工艺本身,工艺之间的交流与借鉴相对欠缺,所以,我们进行一些尝试,将景泰蓝掐丝工艺与漆艺相结合,创造出景泰蓝掐丝填漆(大漆)工艺,制作出更适应大众审美的产品。  【关键词】:传统工艺;掐丝填漆;继承;融合  引言:传统手工艺在人类代
一,导语  列夫·托尔斯泰,19世纪下半页俄罗斯文学大师,与屠戈涅夫和陀思妥耶夫斯基并称为三巨头。列夫·托尔斯泰笔下的三大长篇小说《安娜·卡列尼娜》,《复活》,《战争与和平》更是享誉世界,被国内外众多学者研究探寻。因此对于这位在俄罗斯文学中有举足轻重地位的文学大家进行研究是必不可少的。  本项研究就以期刊论文、报纸论文、学术辑刊论文、会议论文和学位论文为表现形式的托尔斯泰研究成果进行文献计量分析。
【摘要】:随着社会的进一步发展,人们的精神生活的进一步提升,设计在生活中的运用也越来越广泛,同时简约美也得到了一部分人们的喜爱,留白在这简约美中占据着很重要的位置。中国绘画中的留白是常见的技法,平面设计中对留白的应用,能够突破真实世界的无限意象,体现出图形及文字对文化内涵的渗透。留白是传统艺术与现代艺术设计中表现艺术审美的重要手段。  【关键词】:平面设计;留白;传统美学  一、留白的缘起与中国传
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【摘要】:生字教学是整个小学语文教学的重要组成部分,学生在认字过程中经常写错字、别字。对此 ,可采取以下策略 :发掘汉字情理进行识字;追本溯源辨字形;比较字义 ,区分字形;注重第一印象;查字典 联想迁移,同时要指导学生规范书写汉字。  【关键词】:错别字;原因;策略  错别字,顾名思义是指错字(根本没有造的字。即笔画、和字义都不存在的字)和别字(用了别的字代替了本字)。在古代也称作“白字”。学生在
【摘要】:城市的发展过程是一个动态的不断更新改造和自我完善的过程,在这个新陈代谢的过程中,存在于其间的已失去原有功能的非历史保护性的旧建筑的去与留已成为二轮城市化建设的核心问题,评估旧建筑的潜在价值,继承、保护、挖掘其中的文化历史价值,对于其中可以开发利用的旧建筑进行非历史性保护的重整与改造,以使其所蕴含的文化价值转移到现代化城市当中。  关键词 老旧建筑;开发利用;保护规划  1非历史保护性旧建
【摘要】:藏族导演万玛才旦目前有《静静的嘛呢石》(2005)、《寻找智美更登》(2007)、《老狗》(2011)、《五彩神箭》(2014)、《塔洛》(2015)五部长片。这五部长片短片都体现了万玛才旦的藏族文化身份意识,同时也体现了传统文化与现代文明,臧族文化和汉族文化的矛盾、冲突到和解、融合的过程,在这些作品中万玛才旦也表现出了对于文化和身份的双重焦虑。  【关键词】:万玛才旦;文化身份意识;文