应用植物组织培养技术 ,黑杨人工杂种胚珠接种到MS基本培养基上进行离体培养 ,结果表明 ,授粉后不同发育期、不同杂交组合及室内水培温度对杂种萌发均有影响。黑杨室内切枝水培杂交从授粉后 2 5天起即可将带皮种胚进行离体培养 ,能获得杂种实生苗 ;授粉后时间越长 ,杂种胚珠的成熟度越大 ,组培萌发期越短 ,萌发率越高。
Plant tissue culture technique was used to inoculate Populus trichocarpa on the basic medium of MS. The results showed that the different hybrid combinations and indoor hydroponics temperature affected the hybrid germination at different developmental stages after pollination. Black Poplar cuttings hydroponic cross hybridization from 25 days after pollination can be in vitro culture of seedling embryos can get hybrid seedlings; pollination longer, the greater the maturity of hybrid ovules, tissue culture germination The shorter the period, the higher the germination rate.