译者按:2016年7月4日,在法国蒙彼利埃举行的第13届国际大体联论坛上,国际大体联第一执委、国际大体联教育委员会主席、国际大体联媒体委员会主席Verena Burk致辞,对我们进一步认识体育教育的意义很有启发。教育是国际大体联的主要支柱之一。为什么教育和教育活动在国际大体联发展战略中如此重要呢?教育能够使儿童、青年、成人在社会中扮演着积极作用,通过受教育对自己和环境负责,过上独立的生活。教育的目的
Translator’s Note: On July 4, 2016, at the 13th International Forum of Mass Alliance held in Montpellier, France, Verena, Executive Director of ILC, Chairman of the Board of Education of the International Community, and Chairman of the International Media Commission Burk’s speech inspired us to further understand the significance of physical education. Education is one of the main pillars of the International Foundation. Why is education and education so important in the development strategy of the ILC? Education can make children, young people and adults play an active role in society, and lead an independent life by being educated to themselves and the environment. The purpose of education