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江西省人民政府委员会第六次会议关于抗美援朝工作报告的决议(一九五一年六月十四日经全体会议通过)本会听取了省文教委员会彭加伦主任关于抗美援朝爱国主义思想教育工作的报告后,一致认为经过爱国主义的思想教育,广泛地提高了全省人民的政治觉悟,推动了各种实际工作,迅速加强了国防力量和经济力量。今后应当在现有基础上,从思想行动中密切结合中心工作,把抗美援朝爱国主义运动继续深入提高。我们号召全省人民切实把优待烈、军、工属工作做好,切实检查并履行爱国公约,在全省范围内掀起大规模的爱国增产运动。从增产中完成光荣的爱国捐献任务。使抗美援朝运动成为推动一切工作的原动力,为争取抗美援朝最后胜利面奋斗。 Resolution of the Sixth Meeting of the Committee of the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province on the Report of the Work on the War to Resist the United States and Korea (Adopted at the Plenary on June 14, 1951) After hearing the report of Peng Penglan, director of the provincial Culture and Education Commission, on the ideological education on patriotism in the War to Resist U.S.A. They all agreed that through patriotic ideological education, the political consciousness of the people in the province was extensively enhanced, all kinds of practical work were promoted, and the strength of national defense and economic strength was rapidly strengthened. In the future, we should closely integrate the work of the center with the ideological actions on the existing foundation and continue to further promote the patriotic movement to resist US aggression and aid the DPRK. We call on the people of the whole province to conscientiously treat favorably with the work of the armed forces and their workers and industries, earnestly inspect and carry out the patriotic conventions, and launch a large-scale patriotic and pro-production campaign across the province. Complete the glorious patriotic donation task from increasing production. Make the anti-US aid and DPRK movement the driving force behind all efforts and strive for the ultimate victory of the anti-US aid and aid efforts.
新牙上为什么有小黑点?    Q 我的女儿从5岁多的时候开始换牙,现在两颗下门牙已经长出来了。可是我发现这两颗新牙上有一些小黑点。换牙前,她的牙齿很好,没有龋齿。我们平常也经常提醒她早晚刷牙,注意口腔清洁。请问这些小黑点是什么东西?  北京小邓  A:你女儿新长出的两颗下门牙上的这些小黑点很可能是色素沉着。新萌出的牙齿,其牙齿表面在唾液中需要进一步矿化,大约需要2~4年的时间。因此,新萌出牙齿的表
健康长寿是每个人都追求的目标,而对于老年人就更加关键,但我们常看到有些老人却不爱动,爱坐爱静。对于个人爱好当然无可厚非,但从养 Longevity is the goal everyone pursu