患者系一例尼日利亚体重32kg的10岁女孩,居住在灌溉区,因左眼睑肿胀并严重下垂3个月而就诊。 眼科检查显示左眼睑结膜增生伴有重叠排列的息肉,眼球眼底均正常。结膜病理学活检显示埃及血吸虫活虫卵引起的以嗜酸粒细胞浸润为主的重度慢性炎症。10ml尿液滤过
The patient is a Nigerian 10-year-old girl weighing 32 kg who lives in an irrigated area and is treated for swelling of his left eyelid and severe sagging for 3 months. Eye examination showed conjunctival hyperplasia of the left eyelid with overlapping arrangement of polyps, eye fundus are normal. Conjunctival biopsy showed severe chronic inflammation characterized mainly by eosinophil infiltration caused by live schistosomiasis eggs. 10ml urine filtration