实用眼科杂志1988年第6卷第8期511页刊载的王斌医生的“眼内异物定位视图法及其应用”一文,其中有一些不确切和混淆的地方。特商讨如下:一该文左栏第二行关于“A 型超声测出眼球直径D;”,按句意“D”应是“从眼脸表面到眼球后极部视网膜表面的眼前后径”,但结合后文r~2<(CR~2-1~2),“D”应是“眼球几何轴的外轴”。A 超测出的D 属于“个体眼”而不是“标准
Practical Eye Surgery, 1988 Volume 6, No. 8, 511 pages published in Dr. Wang Bin, “intraocular foreign body positioning view of the law and its application” one article, some of which are not exactly and confusing place. Special discussion is as follows: a left column of the article on the second line on the “A-type ultrasound diameter of the eyeball D;”, according to the sentence “D” should be “from the face to the face of the eye after the retina retinal surface diameter” , But combined with the latter r ~ 2 <(CR ~ 2-1 ~ 2), “D” should be “the outer axis of the eye geometry axis.” A measured D is “individual eye” instead of "standard