《流沙坠简》收录英籍探险家斯坦因(Aurel Stein)第二次中亚考察时(1906~1907年)获得的汉文文书。按简牍的内容和性质分为三大类:第一大类是小学术数方技书,包括《苍颉》《急就》《力牧》《历谱》《算术》《阴阳》《占术》《相马经》《兽医方》等多种典籍;第二大类是屯戍丛残,其下又按内容分为薄书、烽燧、戍役、廪给、器物、杂事等六项;第三类是简牍遗文,汇集各式书信;王国维还作《补遗》,考释斯坦因于尼雅河下游所获晋初文书。(1)这
“Quicksand Jane” contains the Chinese instruments obtained by Aurel Stein during his second Central Asia visit (1906-1907). According to the content and nature of the jianxun, the journals are divided into three categories: the first category is the number of the primary school artic skills, including “CangJie” “anxious” “force animal husbandry” “calendar” “arithmetic” “yin and yang” Surgery, “” Sutom Scriptures, “” veterinary side “and other books; the second category is Tunfu Congrui, the next is divided into content according to the contents of thin books, Feng Sui, garrison, to give, utensils, ; The third category is a simple essay, a collection of letters; Wang Guowei also make ”Addendum", test Stein because of the lower reaches of the Niya River early Jin instrument. (1) this