虎纹蛙(Rana tigrina ruguisa Wiegmann)属两栖纲、无尾目、蛙科、虎纹蛙属,又称水鸡、田鸡等,为国家二级保护野生动物。虎纹蛙在我国分布很广,遍布长江以南各省区,在市场上很受欢迎。为保护虎纹蛙的自然资源和满足市场需求,开展虎纹蛙的人工养殖就显得极其重要。福建省光泽县于1999年开始了虎纹蛙养殖技术的研究,经过多年的研究和生产性试验取得成功并投入规模化生产,辐射到全县及周边地区,现将虎纹蛙的养殖技术总结如下。
Rana tigrina ruguisa Wiegmann belongs to amphibia, anura, frog family, tiger frog genus, also known as water chicken, frog, etc., for the state two protected wild animals. Tiger frogs are widely distributed in our country, all over the provinces and regions south of the Yangtze River, very popular in the market. In order to protect the natural resources of tiger frogs and meet the market demand, it is extremely important to carry out artificial breeding of tiger frogs. Guangze County, Fujian Province, started the research on the technology of tiger frog breeding in 1999. After many years of research and productive experiments, it succeeded in large-scale production and radiated to the whole county and the surrounding areas. as follows.