我在重庆南桐局东林煤矿运 料班当班长,六年来,改变了班组 的落后面貌。现在我班的工程质 量月月达到优良,消灭了轻重伤, 年年被矿评为先进班组,我本人也 多次被评为优秀班组长。在治班 过程中,我的体会是坚持运用好 “三二”治班法。 “三”就是三看:一是班前会上 看情绪,严把安全关。我认为,每 个人的喜怒哀乐都是由表情、神色 表现出来的。所以,每天开班前安 全会时,我十分注重观察每个职工
I was in Nantong, Shandong Donglin coal transport class as a monitor, six years, changed the backwardness of the team. Now I class the project quality to achieve good month, month, eliminating the severity of injuries, the mine was rated as advanced team every year, I myself have repeatedly been rated as excellent team leader. In the process of running a class, my experience is to insist on using the “March 2” rule class. “Three” is three to see: First, look at the class before the mood, strict security clearance. In my opinion, everyone’s emotions are expressed by expression and look. So, every day before safety classes, I paid great attention to observe each worker