一、维持和平行动:成绩与问题 战后近50年中,世界形势斗转星移,风云变幻,国际政治格局亦经历了两大阵营对立——三个世界并存——两极体制解体——向多极化过渡的艰难嬗变过程。不管人们对其成绩如何褒贬臧否,几十年来联合国在促进国际合作,特别是维持国际和平与安全方面取得了令人瞩目的成就。然而由于各国国家利益要求千差万别,对联合国的期望亦不尽相同,故联合国的维持和平行动也是最容易引起争议、招致批评的。
I. Peacekeeping Operations: Achievements and Problems In the nearly 50 years after the war, the world situation has witnessed tremendous changes and the situation is changing. The international political pattern has also gone through two major opposites: the coexistence of three worlds - the breakdown of the bipolar system and the transition to multi-polarization The difficult transition of the transition process. No matter how well people judge their achievements, the United Nations has made remarkable achievements in promoting international cooperation for decades, especially in maintaining international peace and security. However, because the interests of nations vary widely and their expectations of the United Nations are different, the UN peacekeeping operations are also the most likely to cause controversy and criticism.