The butterfly

来源 :第二课堂(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ypengw
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  A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could, and it could go no further.
  So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then came out easily. But it had a swollen body and small, weak wings.
  The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and become big enough to support the body, which would become smaller in time. Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life moving around on its knees with a swollen body and weak wings. It never was able to fly.
  The man was in his kindness and hurry; he did not understand the fact: such a cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were God’s way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings; then it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.
  Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. If God allowed us to go through our lives without any troubles, it would disable us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. We could never fly!
  Lessons to be learnt :
  ◎When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
  ◎Nothing in life is always smooth-sailing nor goes according to a plan, hardships are there to make us stronger persons.
  ◎Life is often about overcoming challenges: it’s only through tough times that we became more able to live.
  cocoon n. 茧 scissors n. 剪刀
  swollen adj. 肿胀的 fluid n. 流体
  tough adj. 艰难的
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通过改进答题方法来提高答题准确率,妙招有五:  妙招一:先看题。在读文章之前,先花1~2分钟阅读题目。这样能让你对文章的内容和要关注的重点有个大概了解,利于有针对性地查找关键信息,提高答题效率。  妙招二:要闭卷。许多同学答阅读题的习惯是“开卷”,即看一小段文字就答相应的题。这样所获信息零碎,对文章整体的把握不准,会导致答综合性题目时断章取义,失之偏颇。来试一试“闭卷”吧:一次性看完文章,不中途停
在我们的日常生活中,一堂课45分钟,一天24小时,有了手表,我们能更好地安排时间。但手表虽然好用,如果我们用的时候手表突然不走了,我们又没有及时发现,很可能会误事。那该怎么办呢?于是我将手表进行小小的改进,在手表内安装上感应器、警报器和调声器,这样,手表就更加实用且方便了。  1. 制作材料  手表、感應器、调声器、警报器,以及2根短导线、4根长导线。  2. 设计思路  先把手表反面的盖子打开,
一、 活动背景  为落实教育部《关于推进中小学生研学旅行的意见》,推动研学旅行健康快速发展,我们学校组织科技兴趣社400余名同学走进洪江古商城,开展研究性学习和旅行体验相结合的校外教育综合实践活动,了解和体验洪江古商城商道文化。  二、 活动过程  清晨,同学们排着长龙似的队伍,怀着激动而又好奇的心情来到“洪江1915”——洪江古商城旅游接待中心。人还未站定,同学们便按捺不住兴奋的心情,三五个一堆
一张纸也可以发出声音,而且很恐怖,怎么做呢?  你需要准备:玻璃纸、剪刀。  跟着我做:  1. 用剪刀將玻璃纸裁出一个长方形的纸条。  2. 用两只手的拇指和食指,把玻璃纸紧紧拉开。  3. 把手直接放在脸的前方,让玻璃纸正好位于嘴唇前面。  4. 往紧紧拉扯的玻璃纸边缘用力吹气。  你会看到:当气流碰到玻璃纸边缘时,你会听到一种很尖锐、很恐怖的声音。  这是为什么呢?你嘴唇吹出的快速移动的空气
你可能会犯错,可并不意味着你是个失败的人。  你所走的每一步,都会让你离理想更近一些。  1. Why is the library the highest building? 为什么图书馆是最高的建筑?  2. What do every couple have in common? 每一对夫妻都有的共同点是什么?  3. What word is pronounced wrong, even
The Voice of Arlo
广义上的“灰尘”或“尘埃”,指的就是在空气中飘浮的或落于地面、物体上的看得见或看不见的微小颗粒,其组成很复杂,主要包括自然尘埃、排泄物、工业污染微粒……这里姑且统称为“脏颗粒”吧。如果根据分布看,下面三种脏颗粒比较常见,也易危害到人体健康。  1. 空气中的脏颗粒  由于空气是人的生存要素之一,所以混杂在空气中的脏颗粒对人类的健康来说是一种无形的杀手。许多细菌、病毒和虫卵,就是靠着空气中脏颗粒的“
吃过晚饭,老公打电话过来,说和同事在音乐茶座,叫我带女儿过去玩。我们赶到时,正好另一个同事的女儿也在,我便示意女儿邀请那个小妹妹玩。谁知女儿一见这么多生人,拉着我的手怯生生地直往后退。  见我不肯离开,女儿只好蹲下身,不停地用头蹭我的腿,意思是要我带她走。我使尽招数想提起她的玩兴,可任凭怎么努力,她情绪就是不佳。见我女儿不肯配合,大家的注意力都集中到那个小朋友身上。她又唱又跳,还落落大方地回答大家
人们常说小时偷针,大了偷牛。发现孩子有“偷窃”行为,父母应该怎样及时纠正他们呢?    私拿喜欢的物品    儿子小明今年4岁,各方面都很优秀。哪知一次在邻居家玩,却私藏别人的玩具回家。我问他为什么拿别人的东西?他理直气壮地说出理由:“我喜欢,家里没有,就拿回家。”我批评他,他竟然说:“妈妈不是经常把单位的信纸拿回家吗?”弄得我哑口无言。  专家分析孩子一开始往往认为“我喜欢的就是我的”。通过教育