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近日,某国家级大报接连在中缝刊发变相烟草广告。“社会主义首先要发展生产力”,“高标准、严要求、做贡献、创一流”之类的大字特别抢眼,下面印着五个小字:“某某卷烟厂”。大报居然也耍起了小花招!若直接发布烟草产品广告明显违反《广告法》,于是只好登个变相广告。查阅《广告法》以及有关解释资料,发现这种变相广告还很难界定为违法行为,显然是经过了“精心设计、周密思考”的。然而那躲躲闪闪、欲盖弥彰的五个小字充分暴露出策划者的心虚与胆怯,也暴露出其变相广告的性质。事实上,这种变相广告不仅损坏了大报的形象,也损坏了企 Recently, a state-run newspaper published a series of disguised tobacco advertisements in the middle seam. The words “Socialism must first develop productive forces,” “high standards, strict demands, contributions, and first-class” are especially eye-catching. The following small print is printed on the following words: “A certain cigarette factory.” The newspaper actually also played a tricks! If the direct release of tobacco product advertising is clearly in violation of “Advertising Law”, so had to board a disguised advertisement. Check the “Advertising Law” and the interpretation of the information found that such disguised advertisements is still difficult to define as illegal, apparently after a “well-designed, thoughtful thinking.” However, the erstwhile eavesdropping of the five Chinese characters reveal the planner’s discontent and cowardice, as well as reveal the nature of disguised advertisements. In fact, this disguised advertisement not only damaged the image of the newspaper but also damaged the company
雄风6.0是基于软构件技术的新一代专家系统开发平台,它采用“知识体.对象体”的知识表示方式和“主推理+从推理”的推理机制。这种分层的问题映射机制是构建复杂专家 系统的科
本文对具有对称结构的6-6 SPS Stewart平台机器人的位置正解问题进行了研究,建立了该对称平台位置正解的数学模型,以结构参数和杆长变量作为初始方程的修正变量,构造了一种新