奥尔芬胶囊是双氯芬酸钠的一种新型缓释胶囊,具有起效快、疗效强,作用时间长的优点,现介绍如下: 1 药理作用 抑制前列腺素的合成,阻止血小板凝聚,适用于治疗风湿性炎症和疼痛,镇痛消炎及解热作用比乙酰水杨酸强20倍~50倍。特点:药效强,不良反应少,用量少,个体差异小,口服吸收迅速,服用1h~2h血药浓度达峰值,排泄快,长期服用无蓄积作用。奥尔芬在血液中可维持较长时间的平稳有效浓度,在胃内分布广,药物对局部胃粘膜的刺激小,使耐受性更好,吸收更完全。
Alphen capsule is diclofenac sodium a new type of sustained-release capsules, with fast onset, strong efficacy, the role of a long time advantages are as follows: 1 pharmacological inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, to prevent platelet aggregation, for the treatment of rheumatism Sexual inflammation and pain, analgesic anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect than acetylsalicylic acid 20 times to 50 times. Characteristics: strong efficacy, less adverse reactions, less dosage, small individual differences, rapid oral absorption, taking 1h ~ 2h peak plasma concentration, excretion fast, long-term use without accumulation. Olphen in the blood can maintain a steady and effective concentration for a long time, widely distributed in the stomach, the drug’s stimulation of the local gastric mucosa is small, so that better tolerance, more completely absorbed.