1 资源保护的经济效益原则用经济方法研究煤炭资源保护就是要求在煤炭资源保护工作中必须遵循经济效益的原则。众所周知,矿石与岩石区分的根本标志是其技术经济意义上的差别。在1987年原煤炭工业部颁发的《煤炭工业技术政策》中,提出了经济可采储量的概念。经济可采储量的定义为:从开采的经济效益出发,在具体地质、技术、经济条件下,可供开采利用的储量。例如,某煤矿的某个煤层厚度符合《煤炭资源地质勘探规范》关于储量计算标准,但由于灰分高、煤质低劣或由于地质开采条件复杂,采后亏损严重,就可以通过评估审议,提高煤层可
A principle of economic benefits of resource protection Economic research on the protection of coal resources is required in the protection of coal resources must follow the principle of economic benefits. It is well known that the fundamental sign of the distinction between ore and rock is its technical and economic difference. In 1987, the former Ministry of Coal Industry issued the “Coal Industry Technology Policy”, put forward the concept of economically recoverable reserves. The economic recoverable reserves are defined as the reserves available for exploitation under specific geological, technological and economic conditions from the economic benefits of mining. For example, the thickness of a certain coal seam in a coal mine conforms to the calculation standard for reserves of the Rules for Geological Prospecting of Coal Resources, but due to high ash content, poor coal quality or complicated geological conditions, post-mining loss is serious, can