商场如战场。企业要想在激烈竞争中赢得市场就必须去争夺。试想如果当初洛克菲勒不采取各种手段步步为营攻城掠地去兼并炼油厂、夺取匹兹堡、吞并大油田,哪会有美孚石油公司的垄断史?倘若可口可乐公司不与百事可乐公司寸土必争,怎能取得今天的业绩?假如中国长虹集团不主动降价出击,又怎么能在短短两个月的时间里就从同行手中夺走了12%的市场份额呢? 市场的有限性和买方市场的形成,必然决定了企业只有靠争夺才能生存和
Shopping malls such as battlefields. If companies want to win the market in fierce competition, they must compete for it. Imagine if Rockefeller had not taken all kinds of measures to take over the city to merge with oil refineries, seize Pittsburgh, and annex large oil fields. How would there be a monopoly history of Mobil Oil Co., Ltd. If Coca-Cola could not compete with PepsiCo, how can it be achieved today? If the China Changhong Group does not take the initiative to cut prices, how can it take away 12% of its market share from its peers in just two months? The market’s finiteness and the formation of the buyer’s market will inevitably be determined. Only by competing for business can the company survive and