苏联土木建筑科学院院士,杰出的建筑师卡罗·谢苗诺维奇·阿拉比扬于今年一月五日在莫斯科病逝了。这固然是苏联建筑界不幸损失了一位具有优秀才能的建筑家,而且也是我们中国建筑工作者们失去了一位诚挚热心的朋友。 在我国,不仅是我们每一个去过莫斯科的中国建筑工作者熟悉这位和蔼而热诚的建筑家,就是广大的中国建筑界在学习苏联建筑经验时,也早已熟悉了他的名字。 几年来,阿拉比扬无数次在他所领导的
A member of the Soviet Academy of Civil and Architectural Sciences, the outstanding architect Carlo Semenovich Arabiyan died in Moscow on January 5 this year. Of course, it is the Soviet Union’s construction industry that unfortunately lost an architect with excellent talents, but also our Chinese construction workers have lost a sincere and enthusiastic friend. In China, it is not only our Chinese construction workers who have been to Moscow that we are familiar with this enthusiastic and eager architect. It is because the vast Chinese architectural community has already become familiar with his name when he learned Soviet architectural experience. Over the past few years, Alabian has led him numerous times.