教学大纲提出的学生发展目标是 教学的依据。要落实地理教学大 纲对学生发展的各项目标,教师首先应按照教学大纲的要求细化教学目标,使其更加明确具体,便于操作落实。然后要在素质教育的教学观念指导下,确定教学重点,分析加工教材,搜集课外案例资料,优化教学内容,设计教学过程。 一、依照教学大纲,确定学生发展目标和教学重点 1.思想品德发展目标 (1)可持续发展的思想观念 价值观(兼顾人与自然的整体利益及其价值);生产观(生态农业模式、清洁生产技术);道德观(整体利益、长远效益)。 (2)尊重自然规律和社会发展规律,因地制宜发展工农业生产。 (3)全球意识→合作意识→竞争中获得双赢的观念。 (4)理论联系实际的学风→关心家乡建设和祖国发展的社会责任感。
The student development goals proposed by the syllabus are the basis of teaching. To implement the objectives of the geography teaching curriculum for students’ development, teachers should first of all stipulate the teaching objectives according to the requirements of the syllabus so that they are more specific and convenient to implement. Then, under the guidance of the teaching concept of quality education, it is necessary to determine teaching priorities, analyze processing materials, collect extra-curricular case materials, optimize teaching content, and design the teaching process. 1. According to the syllabus, determine the student’s development goals and teaching priorities 1. The ideological and moral development goals (1) The sustainable development of the values of ideology (taking into account the overall interests of humans and nature and its value); Production concept (ecological agriculture model, clean Production technology); ethics (overall benefits, long-term benefits). (2) Respect natural laws and social development laws, and develop industrial and agricultural production according to local conditions. (3) Global awareness → Cooperative awareness → A win-win concept in competition. (4) The theory of learning to connect with practice → Care about the social responsibility of home construction and the development of the motherland.