Ecological problems identification in our country

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  1. Ecological community resources behind is not sound
  Over the years, though our country’s ecological community construction has been improved, but its process and are also greatly inadequate, put forward the party’s 18 after five integrated ecological civilization construction, construction of ecological community work and had the new situation and direction. Therefore, the construction of ecological community needs to consider and solve the problem of increasingly more comprehensive. The current construction of ecological community there are many and the deviation and couldn’t keep up with the pace of development, main show is (1) the ecological resources of the community cannot afford to community work required. Ecological community money supply does not reach the designated position, leading to the community residents to carry out certain activities do not have enough financial support and facilities, so as to make the community function display got great constraints. (2) the ecological community manager and grass-roots staff work attitude and quality far short of standard, record of formal schooling is not up to standard working state, the low wages lead to slack off, professional is not strong professional counterparts, sex is not obvious, such as these reasons, restricts the sound development of the community. Although the emergence of community volunteers, although eased on this question, but because the regular production or less, the number of activities for the improvement of community work or not too big. (3) the new type of ecological community stunt is good, but didn’t really have to do to the heart of the community, the community services provided by the not perfectly closely fit with the needs of community residents, so can not fundamentally improve the people’s material and cultural life, and make residents identity.
  2. Ecological community engagement is not obvious
  Ecological problems in our country to identify residents of community participation is not just an active part in community activities organized by, also reflected in the protection of environment, for the maintenance of community politics, to the community management responsibility, to feel a sense of community life. Community participation is a microcosm of social participation, driving the country and the progress of the society. Community participation can improve the enthusiasm and interest of community residents in community affairs, also can concentrate the power of community residents of the parties, for the development of the community and progress to provide a steady stream of power, in order to impel the whole ecological environment of city and country and keep fresh vitality.   The present it is not hard to see in the course of the construction of ecological community, community residents lack of participation in the enthusiasm and passion, has affected ecological community construction overall results. Investigate its reason, causes a deficiency of the participation there are two main reasons. (1) lack of community residents for community identity. The word “community” originated in the west, the time of exposure to this noun of residents in our country is late, the word \“ecological community” is in the 90 s after began to spread in our country people. Popularize the start time of late, so lead to residents in our country for “ecological community” this word has less understanding and identity is relatively low. And because of the specialty of China’s past history, identity of “unit system” is relatively strong. (2) of the residents of the“ecological community” of the nature of the work most of the “workers”, due to the special nature of work, lead to lack of engaged in the activities of the community, the community also lack the sense of belonging.
  Existing some of the basic function of “ecological community” in community service, community service is mainly embodied in the elderly, the disabled and other special groups provide special services, and some, such as for community residents to provide convenient services, domestic service and entertainment have relatively few other services and single. The fundamental reasons of this phenomenon is because of the insufficient funds and down, not in time to community services to provide professional and unified planning and guidance. New type of community service industry has not yet developed, community information network system has not yet common, in short, community environment, community safety, community economic, political, community culture, community activities and so on a series of functions need to intensify. In recent years, our country government transformation and the transformation of the functions of the management system and the policy of housing, health care, pension and other change made community must strengthen its service function, full play its role.
【摘要】本文结合石家庄经济学院的大学英语课程改革实践,回顾并反思了基于“产出导向法”理论的改革历程,从课程开发的目标定位、校本课程设置、改革实施成效及存在的问题几个方面探讨了大学英语课程的校本开发之路。  【关键词】校本课程 产出导向法 教改实践  一、引言  面对不断变化和发展的外语教学新常态,为把大学英语课程建设成大学生真心喜欢、终身受益的优质课程,以更好地满足大多样化大学英语教学的需求,更加
【摘要】中学生英语素养的提升一直是教与学中关注的重点,但到底何为中学生英语素养,亦无明确定论。本文试图以中国学生核心素养发展为框架提出中学生英语素养的内容,并尝试提出提升中学生英语素养的策略。  【关键词】英语素养 课程改革  21世纪初,在知识经济与全球化浪潮的影响下,欧盟在教育培训领域全力推进终身学习思想,并提出用核心素养取代传统的“读、写、算”的教育战略性目标。基于核心素养的提法引发了世界各
【摘要】英语学科作为高中阶段最重要的科目,是许多同学的薄弱环节。词汇学习在英语学习中至关重要,同时也是衡量高中生英语学习水平高低的主要标志。我们学生在高中英语词汇学习中应采取多种方式掌握大量词汇,并及时巩固复习,全面提升英语能力。  【关键词】高中英语 词汇学习 对策  对于许多同学而言,词汇是英语学习中的一个重难点问题,词汇量的薄弱会对英语学习产生直接影响。为了改变这一现状,我们高中生应采取科学
【摘要】小学是学生感知、思维、情感、意志等多方面素质发展的关键性阶段,因而需要教师给予高度重视。其中英语作为小学教育重要组成部分,也是学生掌握第二语言的主要课程,在其教学中渗透核心素养不仅能培养学生优秀品格,也有利于提高英语教学质量。对此,本文则从结合课堂授课内容、合理设计教学方案以及树立良好教师形象等分析核心素养在小学英语教学渗透措施,望给予英语教师提供教学参考。  【关键词】小学英语 核心素养
【摘要】兴趣是学好英语的最好老师,英语趣味教学的核心问题是:创造一个和谐融洽的师生关系;轻松、愉快的学习环境;在教学中创设生动有趣的情境,让学生受到情境的感染,激发学习兴趣和求知欲。采用灵活多变的教学方法,让学生做中学,学中用,从而激发兴趣,学得主动,提高效率。  【关键词】兴趣 兴趣教学法 心理特征 直观 语言技巧  学好语言不是一件容易的事。学母语如此,学习外语更是如此。爱因斯坦说过:“兴趣是
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