微量元素是指占人体总重量万分之一以下,为人体生理所必需的元素。它们以各种结合态存在于人体组织之中,且在几乎是恒定和严格的浓度范围内发挥其各自的独特生理作用。微量元素与体内酶、激素、蛋白质相当密切。体内约有1/3的酶,其组成中含有微量元素,或其活性需要有微量元素激活。例如 Mn、I 参与激素的合成,V、Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn 能影响体内
Trace elements refers to the total weight of less than one ten thousandth of the human body, the necessary elements of human physiology. They exist in human tissues in a variety of binding states and exert their respective unique physiological roles in almost constant and stringent concentration ranges. Trace elements and the body enzymes, hormones, proteins are quite close. About 1/3 of the body’s enzymes, its composition contains trace elements, or its activity requires trace element activation. For example, Mn and I are involved in the synthesis of hormones. V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn can affect the body