An engineer team at CNET’s Microelectronics Research Institute (CNET) has successfully made a monolithic semiconductor-metal-semiconductor transistor. More than two decades ago it was proposed to replace this conventional npn transistor with this structure, which has plagued researchers since then. Their achievement was to get a device that uses a thin layer of metal instead of a standard transistor base. This avoids the performance limitations of conventional transistors due to the base resistivity and greatly reduces the necessary transit time of electrons from the collector to the emitter. Researchers at AT & TBell Lab have calculated that for optimized SMS transistors, the theoretical cut-off frequency should be around 30GHz, which is even faster than GaAs devices. Structurally, the SMS transistor is simply unbelievable. The cobalt disilicide layer is sandwiched between two thicker silicon layers. In operation, two layers of silicon are used as the emitter and collector of the transistor, respectively, while the CoSi_2 is used as the base.