目的:探讨情绪加工量表在中国大学生群体中的适用情况.方法:采用EPS中文版对785名大学生施测,并同时施测焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)和多伦多述情障碍量表(TAS).结果:①中文版EPS由情绪压抑、情绪失调、体验枯竭、加工不足和情绪回避5个因子构成,验证性因素分析表明结构拟合较好,且与三个效标量表均呈显著正相关;②信度分析表明总量表的α系数为0.85,各分量表的α系数在0.65-0.77之间,重测信度在0.75-0.87之间;③男生在情绪压抑、体验枯竭和情绪回避3个因子的得分显著高于女生,在加工不足上显著低于女生,但在情绪失调和EPS总分上差异不显著;在年级上,大一在EPS总分及加工不足、体验枯竭和情绪回避3因子上均显著高于大二和大三.结论:EPS中文版用于中国大学生群体具有良好的信度和效度.“,”Objective: To revise and explore the application of the Emotional Processing Scale in Chinese university students.Methods: 785 university students were surveyed by the Chinese version of EPS,SAS,SDS and TAS.Results: ①The EFA supported that EPS consisted of five subscales: Suppression,Unregulated emotion,Impoverished emotional experience,Signs of unprocessed emotions and Avoidance,and the CFA confirmed the hypothesized five-factor model.The Criteria-related validity was remarkable.②The internal consistency of EPS was 0.85 and the five subscales' were 0.65 to 0.77.Two weeks test-retest reliability was 0.75 to 0.87.③Male students were significantly higher than female students in Suppression,Impoverished emotional experience and Avoidance,while female students were significantly higher than male students in Signs of unprocessed emotions.Freshman students were significantly higher than sophomore and junior students in Signs of unprocessed emotions,Avoidance and the total score of EPS.Conclusion: The Chinese version of EPS has good reliability and validity and can be used in Chinese university students.