中国地震局地球物理研究所中国数字地震台网数据管理中心(CDSN DMC)根据美国地震学联合研究会数据管理中心(IRIS DMC)发布的2010年10—12月全球地震动态,通过修订后给出以下监测结果。2010年10—12月全球范围内共发生M≥5.0地震506次,其中10月119次,11月122次,12月265次。12月地震频次大幅增加源于小笠原群岛7级地震带来的大量余震。在10—12月发生的506次地震中,东半球共计361次,西半球共计145次。东半球361次地震中,10月71次,11月87次,12月205次;西半球146
China Earthquake Administration Institute of Geophysics China Digital Seismograph Data Management Center (CDSN DMC) According to the Global Seismic Trends of October-December 2010 released by the IRIS DMC, The following monitoring results. There were 506 M≥5.0 earthquakes globally in October-December 2010, of which 119 were in October, 122 in November and 265 in December. The sharp increase in earthquakes in December was due to the large aftershocks caused by the magnitude 7 earthquake in the Ogasawara Islands. Of the 506 earthquakes that occurred in October-December, there were 361 Eastern Hemispheres and 145 Western Hemispheres. Among the 361 earthquakes in the eastern hemisphere, 71 were in October, 87 in November and 205 in December in the western hemisphere