1、节能日光温室病虫害发生种类及为害情况 1.1 节能日光温室病虫害发生种类据几年调查,吐鲁番地区节能日光温室病虫害有31种。常年多发病虫害有25种。其中病害有:白粉病类、疫霉病类;虫害有蚜虫类、潜叶蝇类。阶段性或部分蔬菜的病害有:霜霉病类,病毒病类,枯萎病、猝倒病及细菌性角斑病;阶段性或部分蔬菜虫害有白粉虱、蓟马、棉铃虫等,地下害虫有金针虫、蛴螬、蟋蟀、地老虎、蝼蛄等。此外还有非侵染性病害如氨气、煤气中毒等。
1, energy-saving greenhouse types of pests and diseases and pests 1.1 energy-saving greenhouse types of pests and diseases According to several years of investigation, Turpan Prefecture solar greenhouse pests and diseases have 31 species. There are 25 perennial pests and diseases. Among the diseases are: powdery mildew, Phytophthora; pests have aphids, leaf fly flies. Stage or part of the vegetable diseases are: downy mildew, virus disease, blight, damping off disease and bacterial angular leaf spot; stage or part of vegetable pests have whitefly, thrips, cotton bollworm, underground pests There are insects, 蛴 螬, crickets, tigers, 蝼 蛄 and so on. In addition there are non-invasive diseases such as ammonia, gas poisoning.