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记得著名国画家齐白石有一则小故事,说的是他85岁那年,有一天连作了5张画,已经很疲劳了,但还是提起笔来,又作了一张,并题词曰:“昨日大风雨,心绪不宁,不曾作画,今制此一张补充之,不叫一日闲过也。”白石老人如此惜时如金,严于律己,实在令人钦佩和感动。本来,对于已85岁高龄的人来说,一日没有作画,实在算不了什么。何况又是在天气不佳、“心绪不宁”的情况下,就更无可厚非了。然而,白石老人却认真对待,第二天补作一张,以填此空白,心中方才踏实。他这种“不叫一日闲过”的精神,充分表现了老画家在事业上的勤奋不怠、自律甚严的可贵品格。同时,透过白石老人一生中无数个“不叫一日闲过”的实践,我们也就不难明白:为什么白石老人能从一个出身贫寒的农村木工变成为名震中外的美术大师,其原因正如他在一方著名印章上所刻的:“天道酬勤。”与白石老人相反,在我们的干部职工队伍中,很有一些这样的人,他们胸无大志,虚掷光阴。或消磨在花前月下,或沉湎于扑克麻将,终日无所事事,而荒废学业,怠误工作却无所谓。总之,这些同志是学劲不足,玩劲有余,真是“春花秋月等闲 I remember a famous Chinese painter Qi Baishi has a little story, that is, when he was 85 years old, one day even made a five paintings, has been very tired, but still mention pen, and made a, and the inscription reads: ” Yesterday stormy, restless, never painted, this system of this supplement, not called one day spent too. “Whitehead elderly so cherish, strict self-discipline, it is admirable and touching. Originally, for those who were 85 years old, it was really impossible to paint on the 1st. Let alone in the bad weather, ”restlessness “ situation, even more understandable. However, the elderly are treated seriously Baishilan, make up the next day to fill in a blank, the heart was only practical. His spirit of ”not letting one day spare“ fully demonstrated the precious qualities of the old painters who are hardworking, self-disciplined and self-disciplined in their careers. In the meantime, it is not hard to understand why there are so many white-collar people in their life that ”the white-collar elders can change from a poor rural carpenter into a masters of art both at home and abroad , For the same reason that he is engraved on a famous seal of a party: “In contrast to the Whitehead elderly, there are quite a few of these people in our cadre workforce, who have no ambition, . Or spend the moon in front of the flower, or indulge in poker mahjong, idle all day long, while the neglect of academic work, lazy work does not matter. In short, these gays are lack of academic strength, playing more than one, really ”Chunhua Moonlight leisurely
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