《思想政治工作研究》1995年第6期刊载了任仕青同志《难在哪里?出路何在?》一文。读后,颇使人有些想法。一方面,觉得作者说了许多实话,讲了实情,关于思想政治工作难在价值取向失范的看法很有新意;另一方面又感到有些地方令人费解。例如,如何对待传统思想政治工作的问题,就有一些提法值得斟酌。为此,笔者特提出来,与任仕青同志商榷并求教于同行专家。 其一,文章写道;“以往那种依靠政治权威的意识形态来动员群众和以权力为依托做思想政治工作的‘黄金时代’,大概一去不复返了。”不知这是一句反话还是正面肯定的话。若是正面肯定的
“Political and Ideological Work Study” in 1995 the sixth issue of Comrade Ren Shqing “where is the difficulty? Where is the way out?” Article. After reading, quite some people think. On the one hand, I feel that the author made a lot of truths, told the truth, ideological and political work is difficult to value the idea of a very innovative idea; the other hand, some feel puzzling. For example, there are some references on which to treat the question of traditional ideological and political work. To this end, I made special mention, consult with Comrade Ren Shiming and seek advice from peer experts. First, the article wrote: “In the past, the ’golden age’ of using the ideology of political authority to mobilize the masses and do ideological and political work based on power was probably gone forever.” I do not know if this is the opposite Positive affirmative words. If yes, sure