1 选择最佳抽穗扬花期,定准父母本播差期根据我省长期的气候资料分析和母本自身的特性,马协63制种最佳的抽穗扬花期应安排在8月上、中旬为宜。父本安排在4月20日左右播种,播始历期102天,母本为62天左右,父母本的主茎叶片数分别为16.7和13.5叶,一期父本与母本叶差
1 Select the best flowering period, parents are allowed to broadcast the sowing period According to the long-term climate data analysis and the characteristics of the mother of our province, Maza 63 optimal heading and flowering should be arranged in August, the middle is appropriate . Parents plan to sow around April 20, the starting date of 102 days, the mother of about 62 days, the parents of the main stem leaves were 16.7 and 13.5 leaves, a parent and mother leaf difference