“兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。”(孙武:《孙子兵法》) 以实录地情为己任的地方志书向有重视载录军事活动的优良传统。广东省现存的355种州、县、厅、乡土旧志中,大多数都专设兵防、武备、戎政等项类目,并在舆地、建置等部分中反映有关军事的内容,所有这些内容占有各该志书相当的篇幅,是书内十分重要部分。如:10卷本的清康熙《香山县志》中设卷九兵防,下分卫所、屯田、前山
“Soldiers, the country’s major event, the place of death, the road to survival, can not be investigated also.” (Sun Wu: “Art of War”) to record the true feelings of the local records to pay attention to record the fine tradition of military activities. Most of the 355 existing state, county, and departmental and provincial local old records in Guangdong Province are specifically designed for the categories of military, defense and military affairs, military affairs, military affairs and other items. They also reflect the contents of military affairs in such areas as geomancy and construction, All of these contents occupy a considerable space of each of these books, which is a very important part of the book. Such as: 10 volumes of the Qing Emperor Kangxi, “Xiangshan County,” set volume nine soldiers defense, the next branch, Tuntian, Qian Shan