
来源 :江西水利科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsmkt
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一、前言水利工程中,建于岩石基础上的护坦板,常加锚筋将其锚固在地基上。加锚筋的主要目的是为了增加护坦板的抗浮稳定性,减少混凝土用量和减少土石方开挖量。其次锚筋还有增强地基的整体性,改善基岩强度指标的作用。所以,在护坦板上设置锚筋一般说来是经济、合理、行之有效的措施。锚筋按锚固型式可分为全长锚固锚筋与集中锚固锚筋两种。目前我省常使用的是砂浆全长锚固锚筋及楔缝砂浆混合式锚筋。砂浆锚筋是先在锚筋孔中灌注水泥砂浆,然后将锚筋插入使其粘结为一体;楔缝砂浆锚筋是将锚筋尾部劈缝加楔,后用人工或机械将锚筋打入已灌好砂浆的锚筋孔中。上述两种锚筋的施工方法叫“先灌后锚”法,较“先锚 First, the foreword Water conservancy project, built on the basis of the rock on the plate, anchor often anchored in the foundation. The main purpose of adding tendons is to increase the anti-floating stability of the protective plate, reduce the amount of concrete and reduce the amount of earth and stone excavation. Secondly, anchorage tendons also enhance the integrity of foundation and improve the strength of bedrock. Therefore, the anchor plate ribs installed in general is an economical, reasonable and effective measures. Anchorage tendons according to the anchor type can be divided into full-length anchor anchorage tendons and concentrated anchorage tendons two. At present, the commonly used mortar in our province is the full-length mortar anchor anchoring ribs and mortar mixed anchors. Mortar anchor tendon is perforated in the anchor tendons hole cement mortar, and then insert the anchor bar to be bonded as a whole; Wedge anchor mortar tendon is the tail of the anchorage tendon stitch plus wedge, after artificial or mechanical anchor bar hit Into the mortar has been poured into the anchor tendons hole. The two kinds of anchorage tendons construction method called “after the first irrigation anchor” method, more "first anchor
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《北盘江干流(茅口以下)规划报告》审查会议于1989年4月19日至21日在贵阳召开。北盘江干流全长441.9km,天然落差1932m,流域面积26557km~2,多年平均来水量154亿 “Beixpanji
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