我的父亲,富裕中农(自耕农)出身,他是本乡远近闻名的种田好“把式”,一生都把田地看得比命根子还金贵。1972年,他临终前将我家的“土改证”郑重其事地传给了我这个幺儿。 “土改证”是俗名,本名叫《土地房产所有证》。它是土地改革运动后,由人民政府颁发给农民的土地房产凭证。发证后四、五年,就时兴“农业生产合作社”,所有的土地都归了公,各家各户的“土改证”也就随之上缴,集体销毁。此后,又历经“人民公社化”、大小“四清”和十年“文化大革命”等多次政治运动的清缴,当年户户皆有的
My father, a wealthy middle peasant (a farmer), was a farmer-friendly “farmer” farmed in Hong Kong. He had also seen the field more valuable than his life-long roots in his life. In 1972, he died before my family’s “land reform card” solemnly passed to me this child. “Land Reform” is the common name, the real name is “all the land real estate card.” It is the certificate of land property issued by the people’s government to the peasants after the agrarian reform movement. Four or five years after the issuance of certificates, on fashionable “agricultural production cooperatives”, all the land belongs to the public and the “land reform certificates” of all households will also be handed over and collectively destroyed. Since then, it has gone through numerous political campaigns such as “people’s commune”, “four clear” and “ten-year” Cultural Revolution,