Since the market-oriented reform, the reform of the state-owned basic industries has been relatively slow. Taking the market-oriented reform of the telecommunications industry as an example, this paper presents an explanation from the perspective of the power relations and operation of the decentralized power system. The study found that decentralization of power to specialized ministries and state-owned enterprises led to the formation of a monopoly right in the market, which did not contribute to the development of the market mechanism. Although the central government has the ultimate decision-making power, its ability to exert its influence is affected by some factors. In addition, with the closure of the system of vertical decentralization, each round of reforms is repeating the logic of the previous round of reforms, making progress in the reform slow. This paper argues that there are two breakthroughs in further reform: First, the way to adjust decentralization, that is, from vertical decentralization to functional decentralization; second, to adjust the openness of the decentralization system, that is, from closed to open.