
来源 :科学学与科学技术管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laoxu111
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来自全国40多个省市共71个单位的129名代表,于1988年12月12日至16日在广西壮族自治区柳州市举行了“科技兴市”发展战略研讨会。这次研讨会由《科学学与科学技术管理》杂志社和柳州市科委联合举办。会前组织了“科技兴市”发展战略征文,共收到关于“科技兴市”的理论探讨、方案研究、经验总结方面的文章79篇。会议就“科技兴市”的基本概念、内涵与外延,城市“科技兴市”发展战略的设想、方案、规划以及实践中遇到的问题,科技兴市的环境、条件,科技兴市的机制和对策,科技兴市的评价指标体系,城市科委在“科技兴市”中的作用与职能等问题进行了大会交流与小组讨论。会议开得生动活泼,与会代表畅所欲言,学术气氛浓烈。 129 delegates from 71 units in 40 provinces and cities nationwide held a seminar on the strategy of “rejuvenating the city by science and technology” in Liuzhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region from December 12 to December 16, 1988. The seminar was jointly organized by “Science and Technology Management” magazine and Liuzhou Science and Technology Commission. Prior to the meeting, we organized a strategic essay on the development of “science and technology to promote the city” and received 79 articles on the theoretical discussion, program research and experience summary of “promoting the city by science and technology.” Meeting on the “science and technology to promote the city,” the basic concepts, connotation and denotation, the city of “science and technology to promote the city” development strategy of the vision, program, planning and practical problems encountered in science and technology to promote the city's environment, conditions, science and technology to promote the mechanism of And countermeasures, the index system of evaluating science and technology in the city, and the role and function of the City Science and Technology Commission in “rejuvenating the city by science and technology”. The meeting opened lively, participants speak freely, a strong academic atmosphere.
推理的机器计算机科学家至少已经造出了能推理的机器,但它和我们经常使用的计算机是相似的,那么还有什么值得高兴的呢? 问题不在于知识库系统象什么,而在于它做什么,将来能
<正> 据苏联《心理学问题》1989年第1期报道,去年11月10—13日在瑞士苏黎世举行了第一届欧洲高能力学术大会。西欧和东欧各国的学者、国际天才儿童和学生研究协会的代表出席了会议。会上,欧洲高能力研究协会宣告成立并通过了协会章程。协会宗旨是支持对天资发展的研究和实践、促进学者同实际工作者之间的合作交流。协会将配合有关国际组织确保各国间对高才儿
广东2006年的GDP达25968.55亿元,占全国GDP的12.4%;人均GDP达28077元,是全国平均水平的1.6倍,各项指标均居全国前列。然而,广东省各 In 2006, Guangdong's GDP reached 2.59