Spacial Structure of Cationic Phosphorus Ligand–Ru (II) Halide Complexes—by DFT Study

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangmingjie
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The full-parameter geometry optimization of cationic ( S ) – BINAP – Ru ( II ) halide complex was performed by DFT method using B3LYP, PW91 and PBE potentials with several basis sets. PW91 with 3-21G / SDD basis sets is found to be the most suitable method with consideration of both precision and efficiency. The dihedral angles ( θ ) of the binaphthyl or biphenyl with different phosphorus ligand – Ru ( II ) halide complexes were found changing from 59.9 to 79.3 degree, while the natural bite angle ( βn ) of those complexes only changes from 87.4 to 90.3 degree. It is different from the common view of asymmetric organic chemists’ that θ directly influences βn. PW91 with 3-21G / SDD basis sets is found to be. (3) The full-parameter geometry of cationic (S) - BINAP - Ru (II) halide complex was performed by DFT method using B3LYP, PW91 and PBE potentials with several basis sets the most suitable method with consideration of both precision and efficiency. The dihedral angles (θ) of the binaphthyl or biphenyl with different phosphorus ligand - Ru (II) halide complexes were found from 59.9 to 79.3 degree, while the natural bite angle (βn ) of of complexes only changes from 87.4 to 90.3 degree. It is different from the common view of asymmetric organic chemists’ that θ the direct influences βn.
目的探讨细菌感染状态下,新生儿中性粒细胞非髓过氧化物酶(non-myeloperoxidase,NMPO)介导系统活性的变化,以及脐带血血浆对NMPO介导系统激活的影响。方法利用佛波醇乙酯(phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, PMA)、金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠埃希菌刺激脐带血中性粒细胞,并将脐带血的血细胞或血浆与成人外周血的血细胞或血浆进行交叉混合,结合荧光染色-流式细胞
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