
来源 :中国医学影像技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sumjoy
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目的本文对110例肝血管瘤病例进行总结。方法B型超声。结果发现70%以上的病人瘤体位于肝右叶,瘤体以1~2cm居多,80%以上呈强回声,在11例低回声瘤体中仅6例有强回声边缘。核素肝血池的阳性率与瘤体大小有明确关系,对直径大于3cm的血管瘤阳性率可达100%。此组病例中有1例由强回声转变为低回声,另1例由低回声转变为强回声。结论大多数肝血管瘤呈强回声,肝血管瘤的声像学特点是可变的 Objectives To summarize 110 cases of hepatic hemangiomas. Method B ultrasound. The results showed that more than 70% of the patients were located in the right lobe of the liver, the majority of tumors were 1 to 2 cm, and 80% of them had strong echoes. Of the 11 hypoechoic tumors, only 6 had strong echo edges. The positive rate of radionuclide blood pool and tumor size has a clear relationship, and the positive rate of hemangiomas greater than 3cm in diameter can reach 100%. One case in this group changed from strong echo to hypoechoic and the other one changed from hypoechoic to hyperechoic. Conclusion The majority of hemangiomas show strong echoes, and the sonographic features of hemangiomas are variable.
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目的 33例乳腺癌发生骨转移临床分析。方法 回顾分析了33例乳腺癌发生骨转移的年龄、病理分型、术前临床分期、转移部位、术后辅助性化疗情况及骨转移部位。结果 本组33例乳
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It is a poor saying of Epicurus Satis magmum alter alteri theatrum sumus;as if man,made for the contemplation of heaven,and all noble objects,should do nothing