奥林巴斯E-P1发布后不久,三星就宣布将发布一款APS-C画幅的“单电”数字相机,事隔一年之久,我们终于迎来了三星NX10无反光镜可换镜头数字相机。第一次看到NX 10的人都会惊异它小巧的身材,我拿到相机后问到的第一句话就是,它的传感器多大?当得知它的传感器是2 3.4 mm×15.6mm APS-C尺寸的时候,我狐疑地卸下镜头验明正身,当确定无误时,心中不免有些感慨,暗想这个相机有点意思。从官方数据
Not long after the release of Olympus E-P1, Samsung announced that it would launch an APS-C format “single-power” digital camera. After a year or so, we finally welcomed the Samsung NX10 mirrorless For the lens digital camera. The first time I saw the NX 10, I was amazed at how small it was. The first thing I asked when I got my camera was how big the sensor was. When I learned that its sensor was 2 3.4 mm × 15.6 mm APS- C size, I suspiciously remove the lens to verify the body, when certainty, the heart can not help but some emotion, think this camera a bit mean. From the official data