Nobody Has To Be Perfect

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  What is the difference between painting and drawing? Are you good at painting or drawing?
  There was once a painter whose goal was to paint the most beautiful painting in the world. Day and night he painted to make his greatest work. He painted many paintings, but every time, he would throw away paintings that he thought were less than perfect.
  At the same time, another painter who worked in the same studio(工作室) also painted many paintings. He tried his best to paint and rarely(很少)threw any paintings away. The first painter would sometimes walk by, looking at the second painter’s finished works, and laugh at them. “ No one will ever buy these paintings. They are worthless!” he would say.
  The second painter would always answer, “ We’ll see.” And in time, the second painter sold nearly all of his works. People were happy with them, even if they were less than perfect.
  The first painter never achieved what he wanted and finally gave up on his dream of perfection. He went home, penniless(身無分文), having never sold any of his paintings.
  There is a saying “Practice makes perfect”. It is used to say that people become better at something if they do it often. For example, if you want to be good writer, you should write every day.
  But in fact, this saying is not always true. No one is perfect, and looking for perfection often ends in failure. But if we simply do our best and work hard, we can usually succeed in life.
  He painted many paintings, but every time, he would throw away paintings that he thought were less than perfect. 他画了很多画,但每次都会扔掉那些他认为不完美的画。
  (1) he would throw away paintings that he thought were less than perfect.是个含有定语从句的复合句,引导词that 还可以用which来代替。
  (2) less than在本句中意为“不够”, 后接形容词。如:
  I think the young man was less than honest with us.我认为那个年轻人对我们不够诚实。
  另外less than 还可以指在数量方面“不到;不足;少于”。如:
  The woman sleeps less than five hours every night because of work.
  It is used to say that people become better at something if they do it often. 这是指,如果人们经常做某件事,他们就会做得更好。
  be used to do … 意为“被用来做某事”,to 为不定式符号,后跟动词原形,意思同be used for doing sth.相近。如:A pen is used to write. 钢笔是用来写字的。
  辨析:be used to doing; used to do
  be used to doing 意为“习惯于”,其中的to是介词,其后要接名词或动词-ing形式,可用于各种时态。如:I am used to getting up early. 我习惯早起。
  used to do意为“过去常常”, 其中的to是不定式符号,其后只接动词原形。如:
  He used to read books for an hour every day. 他过去常常每天读一个小时的书。   跟蹤训练:
  1. What did the first painter want to do?
  A. Be better than the second painter.
  B. Make lots of money from painting.
  C. Collect the most paintings in the world.
  D. Paint the greatest painting ever.
  2. What did the second painter do?
  A. He laughed at the first painter.
  B. He threw away all of his paintings.
  C.He made good use of his works.
  D. He painted the greatest painting in the world.
  3. What happened to the first painter in the end?
  A. He sold all of his best paintings.
  B. He sold no paintings and ended up poor.
  C. He decided to chase a different dream.
  D.He finally achieved what he wanted.
  4. What opinion does the writer hold?
  A. Practice will always make perfect.
  B. Nobody can succeed all the time.
  C. The process is more important than the result.
  D. Perfection is not always possible, but that’s okay.
  Keys: 1-4 DCBD
木炭在氧气中充分燃烧,生成二氧化碳(CO2);不充分燃烧生成一氧化碳(CO)。二氧化碳与一氧化碳都是由碳、氧元素组成的氧化物,但它们的分子构成却不同,一个二氧化碳分子是由一个碳原子和两个氧原子构成的;一个一氧化碳分子是由一个碳原子和一个氧原子构成的。因此,CO2与CO在結构、性质和用途等方面存在很大的差异。  小题在线  例(2021·湖南·永州)木炭或燃气在氧气不足的情况下燃烧,容易产生CO气体
【文题呈现】  文题一:我们每天都和家人一起吃饭,在餐桌前,大家都在谈论些什么?也许是当天发生的事,也许是正在看的电视节目……请以《餐桌前的谈话》为题,自定立意,写一篇作文。不少于500字。  文题二:亲爱的同学,你一定有走出校园的经历:或参观,或访问,或考察,或旅游,或做志愿者……其间的一幕场景、一个细节、一件物品、一段对话或一首民谣都可能触动过你的内心,引发过你的思考。请以“走出校园”为话题,
实验室制取二氧化碳实验是初中化学的核心实验,也是中考命题的重点内容,其考查重点有药品的选择、实验装置的选择、装置的评价、气体性质的验证以及化学方程式的书写等。现将有关知识整理如下,以供参考。  实验要点   [实验要点]   1.实验药品:  (1)实验药品:块状石灰石或大理石(主要成分CaCO3)、稀盐酸。  (2)反应原理:CaCO3+2HCl [ ] CaCl2 + H2O
初中历史学科与其他学科相比,最大的不同点就是内容涉及范围广、掌握难度大、试题灵活多样。那么如何能够短时高效地掌握必会知识点?如何能够准确掌握答题方法,做到事半功倍呢?同学们需要做到以下三点。  一、夯实基础,纵横联系知识点  “基础不牢,地动山摇”形容的就是如果没有牢牢掌握基础知识,学习的这座堡垒就很难攻克。历史学科记忆点多、涉及面广、跨度大,所以在复习的过程中,切忌把历史知识割裂开来,不要单独地
短文填空题主要考查学生综合运用英语的能力,通过中考阅卷我们发现,它是中考中考生失分较多的一种题型。为了让同学们能够熟能生巧,攻克这一难关,下面结合中考真题给大家作出指导。   [方法概述]  针对这一题型,考生可以采取以下步骤:  1. 分析句子结构,找出句子所缺成分,确定所填单词的词性。  2. 若词性吻合,再结合实际语境和语法规则来确定所填单词的具体形式,得出最终答案。  3. 若词性不吻
*ppl = people  *CAD = Canadian dollars  *GST = a 10% tax added to the price of most goods and services in Canada.  1. A tourist who wants to travel with his pet dog can stay in .  A. Hotel BLU or W
写作中合理运用联想与想象,能使文章语言灵动、文采飞扬。那么什么是联想,什么是想象呢?我们又该如何运用联想与想象呢?  联想是指由某人或某事物而想起其他相关的人或事物的心理活动。它既指由当前的事物回忆起相关的另一事物,也指由想起的一事物又想起有关的其他事物。  想象是指在脑海中创造出未曾有过的新的形象。在原有材料的基础上,创造出没有经历过的、甚至是现实中根本不存在的事物形象。  联想是由此及彼,想象
所谓“五觉”手法,是指在写作的时候调动人体的视觉(眼睛)、听觉(耳朵)、嗅觉(鼻子)、味觉(舌头)和触觉(身体),对景物进行描写的写作手法。那么,在写景的文章中,如何运用“五觉”手法呢?  用视觉察形观色。视觉描写是我们写景物时最常用到的。眼睛就像一部摄像机,可以把我们看到的景物储存在记忆中,而视觉描写,可以对景物进行描绘,使读者如见其状,历历在目。如:白色的遮鸟网中,樱桃树的绿叶丛里躲藏着一个个
【文题呈现】  题目一:在我们的生活中,有各种各样的建筑,它们或外观独特,或历史悠久,或有重要的意义,或有特殊的功能。写一篇说明文,向大家介绍某一建筑。题目自拟。不少于500字。  题目二:我们每天都会接触到不少物品,比如毛巾、炒锅、电视机、手机、自行车等。选取你最熟悉的一种物品作为写作对象,查阅相关资料,以《我的生活少不了它》为题,写一篇说明文。不少于500字。  【写作指导】  抓住事物特征进
现实生活中,我们免不了与人接触。在与人打交道时,说话委婉得体非常重要。其实写作也一样,生活中难免会需要以书面形式与人交流,比如写感谢信、邀请函、倡议书,等等,语言表达一定要得体。表达得体,不仅可以显出我们写作能力强,而且还可以显出我们综合素养高。那么怎样做到语言表达得体呢?今天我们就来探究一下。  【文题展示】  在“环境保护月”活动中,你所在的班级将向全校师生发出倡议,倡导节约、低碳、环保的理念