1、更多的钱:72.68% 多达7成的人毫不犹豫地把 “更多的钱”作为他们心目中最大的欲望。不过中国人大都对自己的收入保持神秘和低调。家庭的收入和女人的年龄一样,永远是秘密——唯一可以确定的是,一个希望更多,一个希望更年轻。 2、环游全世界:65.12% 看微缩世界之窗是10年前的国人旅游世界心态,如今的中国人,更喜欢拿着护照,举起数码相机,在世界各地的标志性取景地拍下留念照。
1, More Money: 72.68% Up to 70% do not hesitate to put “more money ” as their biggest desire. However, most Chinese people remain mysterious and low-key about their own income. Household income, like a woman’s age, is always a secret - the only certainty is that one hope is more and one hope is younger. 2, around the world: 65.12% to see the miniature window of the world is 10 years ago, people travel the world mentality, today’s Chinese, preferring to hold a passport, raise a digital camera, photographed in the world’s iconic viewfinder Memorial photo.