热烈祝贺《混凝土与水泥制品》期刊第二届编委会第二次会议举行!谨以江苏泰州建材机械厂全体干部职工的名义,向各界朋友表示亲切的问候,对广大读者及用户的大力支持表示万分感谢! 几年来,《混凝土与水泥制品》期刊,为我们的技术改造、扩大生产、扩大产品销量等方面作了许多工作,提供了不少帮助,在收集信息、沟通产销渠道、新产品开发及密切供需双方关系方面,期刊编辑部以其积极主动的服务,使我们获益甚多。期刊为我们企业的发展做了大量的工作,对此,我们表示衷心的感谢!
Congratulations to the second meeting of the second editorial board of “Concrete and Cement Products” periodical! I would like to express my cordial greetings to all the friends from all walks of life of Jiangsu Taizhou Building Materials Machinery Factory, and to the support of readers and users. Thank you very much! Over the past few years, the journal “Concrete and Cement Products” has done a lot of work for our technological transformation, expanding production, and expanding product sales. We have provided a lot of help in gathering information, communicating production and marketing channels, and new products. In terms of development and close relationship between supply and demand, the editorial department of the periodical has benefited us with its proactive services. The journal has done a lot of work for the development of our company. We express our sincere thanks to this!