In this letter, we propose a voltage-controlled optical filter based on electrowetting. The device is made of a transparent cubic cell filled with two immiscible liquids having three indium tin oxide electrodes fabricated on the bottom substrate of the ce
Previous results show that the floating reference theory (FRT) is an effective tool to reduce the influence of interference factors on noninvasive blood glucose sensing by near-infrared spectros-copy (NIRS). It is the key to measure the floating reference
The stochastic parallel gradient descent (SPGD) algorithm is widely used in wavefront sensor-less adaptive optics (WSAO) systems. However, the convergence is relatively slow. Modal-based algorithms usually provide much faster convergence than SPGD; howeve
Coupling efficiency between the localized surface plasmons (LSPs) of metal nanoparticles (NPs) and incident light dominates the sensitivities of plasmon-based sensing spectroscopies and imaging techniques, e.g., surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sp
Л. А. Ривлчн(苏联国家标准局全苏光物 理计量科学研究所)研究了在激光辐射作用下激发γ量子发射之可能性。在其理论计算中他引用了多量子放射过程的一个著名特性:激发态之能量在被放射的粒子中连续分布;由此,一个携有能量的光子,不管为其所携有的能量与跃迁的总能量相比是多么地小,其发射几率必有一个极限值。