粉白灯蛾[Alphaea phasma (Leech)]属鳞翅目灯蛾科的一种植食性害虫。其寄主植物种类繁多,据在昆明及其附近地区调查,寄主达110多种,分别隶属于55科94属。该虫一年发生一代,以幼虫危害果树、蔬菜和观尝植物等。1980年8月,在本所林地发现有5龄自然罹病死亡的幼虫。虫尸经分离鉴定,其病原为一种核型多角体病毒。一、材料和方法 1.样品采集:1980年8月在昆明黑龙潭云南省林科所林地采到自然死亡的粉白灯蛾幼虫虫尸,置冰箱中保存备用。 2.多角体的分离:将死虫装入指型管,加少量无菌水置冰箱中自解一周后,用玻璃棒
Alphaea phasma (Leech) is a phytophagous pest of the family Lepidoptera. Its host plant variety, according to Kunming and its vicinity survey, host more than 110 kinds, belonging to 55 families, 94 genera. The pest occurs a generation a year, with larvae jeopardize the fruit trees, vegetables and tasting plants. In August 1980, 5 instar larvae were found dead in their natural habitats in the woods. Insect necrosis by identification, the pathogen is a nuclear polyhedrosis virus. I. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1. Sample collection: In August 1980, the larvae of white moth larvae that died naturally in the woods of the Linke Forestry Bureau of Yunnan Province in Heilongtan, Kunming were stored in the refrigerator for future use. 2 polyhedron separation: the dead insects into the finger tube, add a small amount of sterile water to set the refrigerator for one week, with a glass rod