路德维希氏咽峡炎(Ludwig′s angina)是一种罕见的软组织化脓性炎症。最初发生在舌下间隙,后期蔓延至颌下间隙或颈部软组织,中毒症状严重的可危及生命。病原学: 路德维希氏咽峡炎的病因涉及到口腔内部创伤、局部感染、龋齿(特别是磨牙和前磨牙的龋齿),扁桃体炎和扁桃体周围炎,拔牙的创面、奋森氏咽峡炎、面部丹毒、中耳炎及外耳炎、唇和鼻溃疡。不过,扁桃体和前齿的感染成为致病因素的可能性不大。
Ludwig's angina is a rare form of soft tissue purulent inflammation. Initially occurred in the sublingual space, the latter spread to the submandibular space or neck soft tissue, severe symptoms of poisoning can be life-threatening. Etiology: The cause of Ludwig's angina is related to internal buccal wounds, local infections, dental caries (especially molars and premolar caries), tonsillitis and tonsillitis, tooth extraction wounds, Inflammation, facial erysipelas, otitis media and otitis externa, lip and nose ulcers. However, infection of tonsils and anterior teeth is unlikely to be a causative agent.