今年5月8日,邓丽君过世两周年时,她生前所属的宝丽金唱片公司,要将邓丽君生前唱过的 Love Story 等脍灸人口的英文老歌,结集推出一张邓丽君英文老歌纪念专辑,让怀念邓丽君歌声的歌迷珍藏纪念。邓丽君的歌声甜美动人,她过世时,宝丽金将她生前唱过的《小城故事》、《甜蜜蜜》、《我只在乎你》这些动人的小调歌曲,全部结集出一套邓丽君国语歌纪念专辑。去年,香港嘉利大厦发生大火时,宝丽金的录音间也遭到殃及,一度传出邓丽君的母带也遭毁损,很多邓丽君迷十分紧张,担心日后买不到邓丽君的专辑了,幸好,日本宝丽多
May 8 this year, Teresa Teng on the second anniversary of the death of her predecessor, Polygram Records, Teresa Teng to be sung before the death of Love Story moxibustion population English old songs, the introduction of a Teresa Teng English album recording album , So miss Teresa Teng song fans collection commemorative. Teresa Teng’s singing sweet and moving, she passed away, she will be sung in her lifetime, “Little Town Story”, “sweet”, “I only care about you” these moving minor songs, all assembled a Teresa Teng Mandarin song memorial Album. Last year, when a fire broke out in the Garley Building in Hong Kong, the recording room of Polygram was also affected. As a result, Teresa Teng’s mother tape was also destroyed. Many Teresa Teng fans were so nervous that they could not buy Teresa Teng’s album in the future. Fortunately, , Japan Polaroid