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从科学探索活动内在的矛盾性角度研究科学探索的形成过程,寻找科学探索的内驱动力。认为科学探索的过程,经历了从认识的经验层次向理论层次发展的辩证飞跃过程,在此,科学探索的主体不得不寻找解决科学危机状况的出路,创造出新的科学理论,实现理论创新。科学探索经历了对新理论真理性的评价,以及新理论发展深化的又一次辩证飞跃过程,从而实现科学探索向真理的无限绝对的接近。 To study the formation process of scientific exploration from the perspective of inherent contradictions in scientific exploration activities and to find the internal driving force for scientific exploration. He believes that the process of scientific exploration has gone through a dialectical leap from the level of understanding to the level of theory. Here, the subject of scientific exploration has to find a solution to the situation of scientific crisis, create new scientific theories and achieve theoretical innovation. Scientific exploration has experienced the evaluation of the truth of the new theory and another dialectical leap in the development of the new theory, so as to realize the boundless and absolute approach of the scientific exploration to the truth.
这些年来,当我周遭的所有摄影同好全都换上数码相机时,我一直使用传统底片在拍照。有人认为我顽固落伍,为了拥抱即将灭绝的照相化学工艺,而付出越来越难买到,且价格随时调涨的材料是十分不值得的;况且年岁已有一把了,眼力、精力越来越无法负荷吃重的暗房工作。  多数人都相信,影像才是目的,如何摄取只不过是手段。用什么相机并不重要,越省事、越便宜才是重点。这个时代不正是靠速度和金钱在输赢的吗?  我可不这么认为