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近三年来,金塔县以创建“精神文明先进县”总揽全局,以提高全县整体文化水平为目标,大力加强思想道德教育,全力落实“八大工程”任务,精心设计各项创建活动,推动了全县经济建设和社会各项事业的健康持续发展,提前一年实现了“省级文明县”目标。强化组织领导,努力形成创建新合力精神文明建设涉及社会各个方面,是一项系统性、综合性很强的工作。金塔县把加强组织领导作为创建精神文明先进县的“堡垒工程”来抓,各级都建立健全了机构,制定了目标与考核机制,保证了精神文明创建活动事事有人管,件件有落实。县委、县政府将精神文明建设工作列入全年重点工作任务,并做到与西部大开发同安排、同考核、同奖惩,使两个文明建设相互促进,协调发展。县、乡两级经常抽调人力深入乡、村、农户,检查创建情况,了解工作现状,及时总结经验,分析和研究解决存在的问题。年 Over the past three years, Jinta County to create “advanced county of spiritual civilization ” overall situation in order to improve the overall cultural level of the county as the goal, vigorously strengthen the ideological and moral education, to fully implement the “Eight Project” task, carefully designed Create activities to promote the county’s economic construction and social and career of the healthy and sustainable development, one year ahead of schedule to achieve “provincial civilized county ” goal. It is a systematic and comprehensive work to strengthen organizational leadership and work hard to create a new spiritual civilization that involves all aspects of society. Jinta County to strengthen the leadership of the organization as an advanced county to create a spiritual civilization “Fort Project ” to grasp, establish and improve institutions at all levels, set goals and assessment mechanisms to ensure that the activities of the spiritual civilization to create something in the tube, Pieces have been implemented. County Party Committee and County Government include the construction of spiritual civilization in the key tasks of the year, and make arrangements with the development of the western region for the same assessment, rewards and punishments so that the two civilizations can promote each other and coordinate with each other. At the county and township levels, personnel are often deployed to villages, villages and farms to check the status of construction, understand the status quo of work, sum up experiences in time, and analyze and study the existing problems. year
我们从1983年1月25日至1986年10月31日,在门诊接诊酒渣鼻病人250余例,现将资料完整的104例临床分析和疗效观察报告如下。一、临床资料 (一)性别:男56例,女48例。 (二)发病年
在临床上经常将肺包虫破裂,误诊为肺结核或其它肺部疾病。本文对38例经手术证实为肺包虫破裂的病例,进行了分析讨论。 一、临床资料 在38例中,男性27例,女性11例。临床表现
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