Mentioning the name of the Russian ambassador to China, Rogachev, is no stranger to the older Chinese because he is an old friend of our government and people for many years. From 1956 to 1961, he worked as a former Soviet Union expert in China; from 1969 to 1972, he was the first secretary of the former Soviet Embassy in China and as the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Former Soviet Union from 1986 to 1991; Month as Russia’s ambassador to China, has been more than seven years. I arranged by the relevant departments to give him diagnosis and treatment due to tennis sprain on the left gastrocnemius muscle. When I first met him, I was shocked by his fluent Chinese language. From the diagnosis and treatment, some Chinese medicine terms were included. Not only did he understand, speak, and understand the meaning. Especially when I asked about his age, I really could not believe he was a 67-year-old diplomat. From the outside, he is like a man in his 50s. Later, due to frequent contact, I asked him what it was