
来源 :保险研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FreshLearn
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我国的寿险资金来源于寿险投保人所交纳的保险费和寿险公司的自有资金。从理论上讲,投保人交纳的寿险保费来源于被保险人的社会必要劳动所创造的价值。从经营过程来看,我国寿险资金主要来源于企事业单位劳动者个人所交纳的保费。其特点主要有:债务性、长期性、储蓄性、返还性、暂闲性。由于寿险资金主要是由投保人交纳的保费构成的,它最终是要用来支付寿险给付的,给付通常是在保险事故发生以后或保险期满后才进行,而保险费是在寿险契约签定时或签订后定期交纳的,从保费交纳时起到给付发生时止的这段时期内,寿险资金处于闲置状态。那么,怎么用好这段时间差,有效地运用寿险资金,使其保值增殖,笔者就此谈些看法。 China’s life insurance funds come from insurance premiums paid by life insurers and life insurance company’s own funds. In theory, life insurance premiums paid by policyholders come from the value created by the insured’s socially necessary labor. From the business process, China’s life insurance funds mainly come from the premiums paid by laborers and individuals in enterprises and institutions. Its main features are: debt, long-term, savings, return, temporary leisure. Since life insurance funds are mainly composed of premiums paid by the policyholders, it is ultimately used to pay life insurance benefits, which are usually paid after the insurance accident or after the expiry of the insurance premium, which is paid after the life insurance contract is signed Or paid regularly after the signing, from the payment of premiums until the payment period ends, the life insurance funds are idle. So, how to make good use of this period of time difference, the effective use of life insurance funds, to preserve and increase their value, the author on some of these views.
罗明山(1867~1983),四川省中江县人。自幼习武,13岁入中药铺里当学徒,后拜师学医,采药行医于川陕青藏,遍访中医药名师与道人高士,医术道术皆大有长进,为人治病每有奇效,被称为“罗神仙”。1979年当选为四川中医药学会理事,绵阳分会名誉会长。1983年辞世,享年116岁。  1978年罗老111岁,成都中医学院调查组来访问他时,思维清晰,听力良好,精神充沛,幼年、青年的事情以及地名、人名脱口